As most of you might know, I want to be a meteorologist. Well, today I was wondering what the weather was like, so I go to and I look at the United States. I noticed something odd...that brown line going through Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. It bugged me I didn't know what it was, so I looked it up. It's called a dry line. I thought that was interesting, because I had never hear
d of one before. I probably would have if I lived in the central US. But, alas! I live on the east. Haha. I am very happy where I live...we don't get full-force hurricanes, the mountains mostly break-up all the strong storms, and VERY rarely do we get a tornado. It doesn't get REALLY cold or hot. And doesn't snow too much. So...yay! Kevin wants to live in New York City for a while though. I'm not totally sure about that. *shrugs* I'd really love to live in Charleston, SC. That'd be wonderful. :-)
(I was looking around and I found another site about dry line's that was interesting.)
There is even a book kinda about it.
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