Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Chemistry today...fun?

So Adcock made us do that "getting to know you" worksheet thingy again. You know, the one where you give your name, number, home town, hobbies, favorite food, favorite sports, favorite nonhobby/non food/non sport activity. Haha. I said for hobbies - meteorology...he asked, so can you tell me why it's been in the 50s? I was like...nope. He was like, yeah I can't either. Favorite foods I said - chocolate, pizza, cheese, and pineapples. He was like, how can you eat all that and be as small as you are?! haha. Now, he is a baseball coach, and last semester people who put down "baseball" as their favorite sport got extra points. So this semester I wrote "BASEBALL...not really. Tennis and Football." haha, he got a kick out of that. I get the points :-P. For non everthing activity, i said hanging out with my boyfriend, he was like...awww. Haha. (he reads every body's sheet aloud and makes comments about them.) Then we started on chapter 13. F-u-n? no

While he was reading the forms, I saw Kevin peaking in the room. I was like...crap! He got out already??? So I ran out there to tell him we'd be a while since he was going to start the chapter. Oops. his class was only like 20 minutes long today. Gosh.

AMERICAN IDOL TONIGHT! Greensboro! That's near us!!! Haha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm! I'm -excited- for American Idol.

Sounds like your class is fun. <333

Love you.