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Happy Super Bowl Sunday!
I went to Jessie's baby shower. She looked so happy. :-) It was great. It was so funny though, she took like 20 minutes per gift, haha. And I'm only exagerrating slightly. I left before she opened my present, so I don't know if she liked my present or not. But, who wouldn't like that?!?! Kevin wanted one...but they don't make them in adult sizes. Hahaha. Then Kevin came and we went out to Roanoke. And we shopped and we dropped. Hehe. I got two Aero shirts (2 for $20), a pair of jeans (originally like $54.--something for $19.99) from Pac Sun, a shirt from Hollister (on sale for $6.50), Beaded pink flip-flops from Old Navy ($12.50) and The Nightmare before Christmas DVD ($13ish). I think I did pretty well :-)...Kevin got four or so shirts. Awesomeness. :-D I heart shopping! We stopped at Pets Mart to look at the fish for Jessie and hamsters for us. And, I did like one fish, but I dunno if it'll work because it can get up to 13" long...that tank isn't big enough. Haha. But Kevin saw the cutest type of hamster ever! It's called a Panda Hamster. Soooo cute. It was love at first sight. So we agreed on that one. They are $20 each and female. We're gonna get one of those hamster balls too. Hehe. Kevin won't let me get a pink one :-( Oh well. Hehe. *dances about*
And guess what?!?! It's super bowl sunday! I don't care who wins...haha. BUT GO COMMERCIALS!!! Hehehe. The bestest part...Oh, and the half time show. With all the old people. Haha.
*dances somemore*
Have a nice day.
I love Taylor.
Taylor is nice.
I want to be with Taylor.
Taylor can not drive.
Someday Taylor will be a good mother, but will buy baby toys for herself.
Taylor reminds me of Taylor.
Without Taylor, I'm very bored.
Taylor can be silly.
Taylor is always silly.
Worst thing about Taylor is she won't stand up for herself, easily influenced, flirts.
Best thing about Taylor is "she likes me for me."
I think Taylor should buy me a DeLorean.
If Taylor was an animal, she'd be a cat?
Right now, I bet Taylor is thinking about Johnny Depp.
Taylor makes me want to dance.
Taylor probably tastes like chicken.
If I could spend the day with Taylor, I'd do what I felt like doing with her.
I'd bake a cake for Taylor.
Taylor is made of sunshine.
Taylor is the shit.
If I could be Taylor for a day, I'd play with my boobs.
I want to give Taylor a kiss.
Lots of songs remind me of Taylor.
Taylor rocks my shirt off!
Gosh, Kevin gets naughty towards the end.
Mmm.. I love you. <3
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